
Emily Boom: Chapter 72: Mech Suits Me

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    Four days went by since the Knuckles thing. And this day proved very…..interesting. And scary as well.

    We were all in the forest, and we had been walking through the forest. Tails was holding my hand as Knuckles’ arm was around me.

    “You okay, Em?” Knuckles asked me. “I see you’ve recovered fast.”

    “I’m a fast healer. And I’m alright, Knuckles.” I smiled at him as my eyes glittered a magical green.

    His eyes did the same, only purple. “That’s great.”

    “How’re your powers feeling?” I asked.

    “They feel great.” Knuckles replied.

    “Tell me about it.” Tails joined the conversation. “They’re wonderful. Just like our sister, herself.” He squeezed my hand.

    I blushed. “C’mon, guys.” I giggled.

    Knuckles rubbed the top of my head. “Oh, you know dang well you’re  wonderful person.”

    “Stop it!” I kept blushing.

    “Hey, guys!” Sticks shouted out.

    We all looked at her, and there she was, standing at the entrance of a cave.

    “I think we should check this out!” Sticks said to us.

    We then willingly entered the cave. It was very dark inside almost immediately.

    “Wow…’s dark in here.” Knuckles said bluntly.

    “I know how to fix that.” Tails then pressed a button on his communicator, illuminating his pilot goggles, gloves, and belt. Sonic’s sports tape and bandana glowed blue. Knuckles’ sports tape glowed red. Amy’s hairband, sports tape, and dress glowed pink. None of Sticks’ clothes or accessories illuminated. Gold aura glowed around my body.

    All around us were stone illustrations, glowing magenta. We were all in awe.

    “Where do you suppose this all came from?” Tails asked Sticks.

    “Illuminati! Lizard people! The league of government agents! GAH! WHO SAID THAT?!” Sticks yelled.

    “You did.” I told her.

    “That’s what they want you to think!” Sticks said to me.

    “I’d say it’s more like markings from the time of the Ancients.” Amy said.

    “But what do they mean?” Knuckles asked.

    Amy shrugged. “I dunno. We all just got here y’know.”

    I looked behind me, only to find a pile of rocks with a huge robotic hand sticking out.

    “Hey, guys, look.” I said as I walked over to the pile.

    But they didn’t pay attention. I soon started removing the rocks on my own. I grunted a little, lifting the heavy rocks, but I managed to pull it off.

    When I was done what I saw was a giant but old mech suit, almost like Charlie’s. But it had many purple details.

    “Wow….this is cool.” I said aloud. “I wonder if I can get in there.” I then walked to it and let myself in. I took a seat inside, and put my hands in adjacent holes, controlling the robot. It started glowing a deeper purple, and I managed to stand up in the mech suit.

    “Whoa….okay.” I said, carefully controlling the mech suit.

    The noises were heard, and the team came to where I was.

    “Whoa…..that’s an old mech suit.” Amy was in awe with what I was doing.

    “Emily, what’re you doing?” Tails was shocked at this.

    “I’m only trying this out.” I replied. I then started walking with the mech suit. “Right foot, left foot. Right foot, left foot. Right foot--!” I tumbled a little. “Whoa whoa whoa….”

    I quickly gained my balance though, and I managed to walk to the entrance of the cave the way I came in.

    Being in the mech suit…..big mistake.

    Just as I was about to exit the cave, I bumped right into a blue force field a few times, trying to get out.

    “What in the?!” I then looked up.

    Eggman was in his EggMobile, and he laughed evilly.

    “You meddlesome muskrats were so wrapped up your little adventure,” Eggman said, “you didn’t even notice my camouflaged Spy Bot was watching you the whole time!” He laughed evilly.

    Tails came with the others as he was working with his communicator.

    “I can’t get a signal from underground….” He was having trouble.

    “Hope you guys don’t like oxygen! There’s a short supply down there!” Eggman laughed.

    Then the real problem started. I felt my real self fade away in a hurry as red aura glowed around the mech suit, and my own eyes soon turned the same color. I then pounded through the force field myself and charged forward.

    “Emily!” Amy yelled.

    I wasn’t there anymore. Not in a certain way, that is. I sped forward as the Mega then showed itself. I used the mech suit to fire lasers, throw punches and kicks, and speed right past the Mega. When I fired lasers, the head was blown off, and I continued to destroy the robot.

    “Even I’ll admit, this was cooler than I thought.” Eggman said quietly. “Oh well, gotta go.” He then flew away as fast as he could in his EggMobile.

    The others came to me.

    “Em, stop!” Sonic shouted at me.

    I turned and looked down at him and the others. My eyes were angrily red.

    “I’ve no patience for you stopping me!” I said in a dark voice. “You should never stop me.” I then sped off in my mech suit.

    “Something’s…..wrong with her….” Amy’s grip on her hammer loosened.

    “Mind control, I tell ya!” Sticks squeaked.

    “Sticks!” Amy scolded.

    “Actually,” Tails said, “I think she’s right in a way. From my research here, it seems that this certain power has taken over her mind and ethics. Her powers, too, it seems.” He looked into his communicator.

    “Could we destroy it and free her?” Sonic asked.

    “I think if we do, her powers will permanently disappear.” Tails replied. “It’s my hunch though….” He felt worried.

    “We gotta get her back somehow, though.” Amy remarked.

    “I know….but I don’t think I’ve seen anything like this before.” Tails’ ears bent down.

    Next thing I knew, I found myself in the same state, and I had become much more of a jerk than I think I’ll ever be. I had pushed people, including the others, out of the way so I can proceed, many jerkish things.

    As Tails saw all this from a distance, it almost disgusted him. He couldn’t believe this. I don’t think he ever thought anything like this would happen to someone like myself. His ears bent down.

    “Oh my god….” He said softly. “Poor Emily….”

    Amy came. “Okay, something has to be done, and it has to be done now.”

    Tails looked up at Amy. “But what do I do to get Emily back? I’ve never seen anything like it….”

    “You’re a mechanical genius, Tails. I know you’ll come up with something to get Emily back to her senses.” Amy encouraged. “Look at her. She may not know it, but she needs you, Tails.”

    “Really? All she does is push me away now…” His ears bent down.

    “This is your fight, Tails. She does so much for you, and you shouldn’t give up. She’s your family. And you never give up on family.”

    “I really don’t know, Amy….” His confidence was fading fast.

    “Don’t you pull this stunt with me. Emily never gave up on you, and you shouldn’t give up on her.”

    “I just don’t know what to do….”

    “Then let’s go find what we can do.” Amy then put her arm around him, and both turned around, walking away from the village.

    Next thing, both Tails and Amy found themselves back in the same cave as before, and their lights were on just like before.

    “Now, maybe here, we can find out more about the mech suit Emily’s getting far too attached to.” Amy told Tails. “We should look and see what we can find.”

    “Okay, Amy. Thanks, by the way.” Tails said to her.

    “You’re welcome. What’re friends for?” She smiled and gave him a pick ax.

    As for myself, I was even deeper under the control of the mech suit’s unknown power, and my eyes turned from purple to red as the aura around the mech suit slowly turned red as Eggman then came in his EggMobile, bringing many more robots.

    “I need this suit.” Eggman said aloud. “Get her!”

    The robots then charged at me. I, however, knew, and I turned right around. I then charged at the robots.

    “No one pesters with me!” I shouted in anger, and I started fighting.

    Back to Amy and Tails….

    “I think I found something!” Tails popped out of a pile of rubble, and he held this sort of disc in his hands.

    Amy came out of a different pile. “Really?”

    Tails climbed out and met with Amy. “Yeah, lemme try to activate it….” He messed with it a little.

    The disc suddenly turned itself on, with some details glowing baby blue. It then showed a hologram of the mech suit I had gotten myself into.

    “It seems the suit houses a type of symbiont technology that seems to be taking over its host. In a hurry too. That must be why Emily hasn’t been herself lately….” Tails confirmed.

    “Wow….that’s a bit much, even for the Ancients.” Amy commented.

    As for myself, as the fight ensued, I had been firing lasers recklessly to get to the robots, putting some holes in the walls of houses and shacks along the way. I had lost complete control of myself at that point.

    I growled. “This power is wonderful!”

    “Emily!” I then heard Amy shout out. I turned and looked. There was only Amy and Tails standing there beside each other as Amy held her hammer in her hands.

    “Well well, look what we have here.” I smiled evilly. “More I must defeat, I must ask?”

    “Emily, neither of us wanna fight you, but you need to get outta that suit.” Amy told me.

    “Don’t you think Emily’s gonna listen to sense in that state?” Tails corrected Amy.

    “The only sense here is in this suit. Here, I’m most powerful! Now stay out of my way!” I then blasted lasers at them both, throwing them right into a park bench.

    Amy and Tails, in pain, slowly got up to their feet.

    “That really hurt….” Amy almost groaned.

    Tails looked into the hologram blueprints the disc provided. “According to these blueprints, Emily’s suit has a force field all around it. But while the suit’s charging the blaster to maximum, it draws reserve power from the force field, momentarily disarming it.”

    “So I guess I need to distract Emily just long enough for you to disarm the suit once the shield is down.” Amy guessed.

    “Exactly.” Tails smiled at Amy.

    “And there, you can save Emily and bring her back.” Amy held her hammer in her hands. “I’m on it.” She then looked up at me. “Hey, Emily! Over here!” She then took charge.

    I fired lasers at her in response, getting more and more power into each laser.

    “How dare you!” I then charged a laser with all my power, making the force field go down.

    Before I could fire at Amy, Tails then took charge and got inside the suit.

    “Hey!” I yelled at him and grabbed him. “Get offa me, you freak!” I tried yanking him off.

    But he didn’t let me. He yanked the control chip off the panel, and that caused the suit to power down, with the red disappearing. However, my eyes were still deep red.

    Suddenly, the mech suit exploded, with both myself and Tails inside. We were both thrown out of the village and right to the ocean. I had lost consciousness upon impact of the explosion. Tails hadn’t.

    “Emily! Tails!” Amy then started running to the beach, dropping her hammer.

    We both then fell right into the ocean. Once we did, I began to sink, unconscious. Gold aura didn’t even form around my body nor Tails’. Tails looked over, and he saw me in that state, with bruises and burns all over my body. My clothes were torn. His eyes grew wide, knowing exactly what had happened.

    “EMILY!” He almost screamed, and he came to me immediately. He grabbed my left wrist, pulling me up to him. In response, gold aura formed and spread around Tails’ body. He gasped for air but held me closely.

    “C’mon, Emily!” He begged, beginning to cry. He then started swimming upwards as fast as he could, putting his arm around my neck.

    Tails found himself dragging me to the beach just as Amy got there.

    “Tails! Emily!” Amy shouted.

    Tails laid me down on my back. He then checked for any signs of life. Nothing.

    “Should I get help?” Amy asked, not knowing what else to do.

    Tails just started doing CPR. Just like before, he just snapped into that mode. All Amy felt she could do was stand back and watch, praying. Her hands connected to each other. As for Tails, he worked tirelessly to resuscitate me. Chest compressions and mouth to mouth.

    “Please don’t die…..” Tails mind began to cry as he let tears create themselves in his eyes.

    He kept trying and trying. Nothing was there at first.

    Suddenly, gurgling was heard. Then coughing, almost vomiting. I sat myself up immediately, coughing up the water. I coughed and gasped. An arm wrapped around me as two other hands helped me sit up.

    “Emily?” I heard Tails speak as I think it was his hand that planted itself onto my cheek.

    That’s when I opened my eyes. My eyesight was blurry at first, but I then saw Tails as tears grew bigger in his eyes. My eyes were back to their original jade green.

    “Tails?” My voice was almost inaudible. “A-Are you okay? I dunno….what got into me….”

    “Emily….” Tails was beginning to cry.

    “Tails….” I placed my own hand on his cheek. “Did I….hurt you?....”

    His blue eyes remained wide as we looked at each other.

    “I-I thought I was gonna lose you….don’t you know the trouble I went through just to get you back?!” He began to sob.

    “I’m so sorry….” I began to get my voice back. “I didn’t really mean to put you through all this….” I felt tears well up in my own eyes.

    “N-No, Emily….don’t say that….you didn’t know what you were doing….” He sobbed softly, swiftly putting his arms around me.

    I hugged him back, letting tears stream down my own face.

    “I’m so dreadfully sorry, little brother….” I began to cry.

    “Don’t worry, Emily….” Amy got to us and dropped to her knees. “It’s okay, now.” She then wrapped her arms around the both of us.

    Tails sobbed the loudest. I guess the fear really got to him after all this happened, and this was the opportunity to let all the emotions out. His tails were wrapped around me by the time Amy hugged us both.

    Next thing I knew, both Tails and I were back in our house as Amy was with us, preparing dinner. I was in bed, resting from the trauma.

    “I really thought I was gonna lose you, Emily…..” Tails said as he was in bed with me, snuggling up to me.

    “Things like this have happened way too many times, with me almost dying….I think I should go back to Illinois….” I said as I had one arm around him.

    “I don’t want you to go. Who knows what could happen when you’re not around? I wouldn’t have even thought of doing all these things I’ve done for you if your mother wasn’t even pregnant with you in the first place. You know what’s happened ever since you were born, with the help of these tapes, and now, I really don’t think we can spend too much time apart.” Tails said to me. “Besides…..I’ll be so lonely, I won’t even be able to eat or sleep….” His ears bent down. “Besides, I should’ve stopped you from getting in the mech suit….I feel like it’s all my fault….”

    “It takes two to tango, Tails. My curiosity got the better of me. You don’t have to feel very bad. I feel bad, too. I feel like I’m doing all this to myself, and it needs to stop.”

    “I understand, but we both should’ve paid more attention. I guess….ugh, forget it….” He felt too guilty.

    I looked at him. “I feel like crap, too. And….I’m sorry.”

    “I’m sorry, too…..” He came down to a whisper.

    After a moment of silence, I then gently placed my own hand on his cheek, making him look up at me. Tears had restarted streaming down his face.

    “This hit you hard deep inside, huh?” I asked him, almost blank.

    “D-Do you even care?” He questioned my tone.

    “No. I’m just a little tired….” I replied. “Sorry it sounded like I don’t care, but that’s not the case.”

    Tails just leaned closer to me, tugging on my tank top. And he began to cry again.

    I pulled him in as closely as possible, letting him get in my lap.

    “I’m sorry this hit you hard, little brother….” I felt even worse, waking up a little. “Did I do something wrong?”

    “We both did….” He cried.

    I kissed his cheeks. “Aww, you poor thing….” I hardly even cared about myself at this point.

    He put his arms around me firmly.

    “I’m glad you did what you did to help me out.” I then smiled. “Hey, that’s what makes you one of the best people I could possibly meet.”

    He looked up at me as well. “Y-You really think so, Emily?”

    “I know so, Tails. And y’know what? We need some rest. Or at least some time outta here.” I told him. “Also?”

    “What is it?” His tears began to stop.

    My green eyes glittered. “I love you, Tails. Very much.”

    “Really? Despite all this?”

    “It’s not your fault. It’s mine, too. No need to feel too bad. And really, nothing will stop me from loving you.”

    Tails then smiled at me. “Aww, Emily….I love you too.” He leaned in closer. We held each other in a deep and passionate embrace. We kissed each other’s cheeks, quickly letting this go. We were happy we were both alive, able to hold each other in our arms.

    “I love you, Emily….” He said softly.

    “I love you, Tails….” I replied the same way, still holding him as closely as possible.

    “I love you…”

    “I love you…”

    “I really love you….”

    “I truly love you….”


    “I love you….”
Sorry again for the delay. I haven't been paying attention, and now I feel I rushed this a little. It wasn't as good as it was in my head. But what do you guys think?
© 2017 - 2024 EmilyTheVioletGhost
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MysteriousGirl92's avatar
I like what you did with Amy in the cave scene. It's better than the original scene, where she brags about her knowledge and grumbles before she had to opportunity.

The mind control thing was rushed, was it supposed to be like this? Just curious.

And about Emily and Tails, is their love for each other mutual or familial? Because they call each other 'brother' and 'sister', and it would be weird to have siblings have a mutual love for each other.